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Archives May 2021 Be sure to check out our Article Archives Read Here All articles are in PDF format to allow you to save them on your computer. May 6, 2021 - "Expedient Hand Grenades" Please keep in mind that we are not responsible for any accidents invo0lving this information. The data contained in these pages can be potentially deadly. It may also be illegal to make and own these devices. Read more May 6, 2021 - "Making Gin and Vodka" Many books are available to amateurs on the methods and equipment involved in making beer and wine, and such books can be found in abundance in most bookstores and in beer- and wine-making supply stores. However, when it comes to the use of a small still to produce distilled spirits it is no use looking in bookstores. To find books on this subject it is necessary to search the Internet for independent publishers, but then we run into another problem. The books which are found on the Internet invariably deal with the production of whiskies, a spirit which may be quite enjoyable when well prepared but which also can be harsh to the point of being undrinkable. Read more May 6, 2021 - "FM 20-3 Camouflage" This manual is intended to give the company-level leaders an understanding of camouflage principles. In order to remain viable forces, all units must be capable of adequately camouflaging themselves and their equipment. To ignore a threat’s ability to detect our offensive and defensive operations on the battlefield can only result in disaster. In order for our units to survive on the battlefield, they must be well versed in camouflage concepts and techniques. Read more May 5, 2021 - "Mini Urban Survival Kit" Many of us have regular day jobs and go into the city every day to get to work. For those who work in an office setting there is no way to bring a BOB. If you drive to work you can leave your BOB in the car. For those who take public transit to work a BOB is just not possible. As 9/11 showed there are a few items that every office worker should have. An emergency can happen at any time, and we should be close enough to gear to get out of the office and on your way to escaping the general area. Read more May 5, 2021 - "Management of dead bodies after an emergency" It can and will take place. Do you know what to do with these bodies? Find out in this short book. Read more May 5, 2021 - "Homemade Mosquito Trap" Summer is on its way and here is a simple but effective mosquito trap you can make for just about nothing. Read more May 2, 2021 - "Bug out RV" I have had a 1989 Minnie Winnie RV for a number of years now but it has sat idol and started to deteriorate. Since it is registered as an antique here in Delaware I never have to have it inspected and it costs me nothing to register it. I shall begin to restore this motor home and will post updates as I do. Make note of the changes as they take place.
May 2, 2021 - "Five Things You Should Never Do During a Home Invasion" Home security is serious business. Every day we see new articles circulated, tips, tricks, and the latest security hardware that can give you an edge against would-be home invaders. Seldom, however, do I see the mindset – ways you should be thinking about home invasion and how you should behave if it happens to you – being discussed pragmatically. Read more Delmarva Survival Training Website in Seaford Delaware - We must learn to take care of ourselves