DelMarVa Survival Trainings
Daily Features |
June 7, 2020
Table Scraps for Your Chickens
by McMurray Staff

Most chickens enjoy
table scraps but it is important to
feed them in moderation and use as a
special treat because they are not
part of a balanced diet. We
recommend waiting until your
chickens are about 3 – 4 months old
before you introduce them to table
scraps. Baby chicks need plenty of
protein to grow and develop properly
and table scraps are lower in
protein than commercial grower
If you are looking to
feed table scraps, following are
some that are safe for your chickens
to consume:
Bread (in moderation) — Avoid moldy
Cooked meats — Cut the meat into
small pieces before feeding.
Corn — Raw, cooked, or dried corn
Fruits — Most fruits are fine to
feed your chickens. Apples,
berries, and melons (watermelon
rinds are one of the favorites).
Some of our customers say their
chickens really enjoy grapes.
Grains — Rice, wheat, and other
grains are fine for your chickens.
Vegetables — Most cooked or raw
vegetables are okay. Suggestions
include: broccoli, carrots (cooked
or shredded), cabbage, chard,
cucumbers, kale, lettuce, pumpkins,
spinach, squash, sweet potatoes, and
Misc. — We have had customers tell
us their chickens also enjoy shrimp
tails, unsweetened yogurt and
spaghetti. One customer told us they
serve pumpkin to their chickens
because it is a natural de-wormer.
Not all foods are safe
for your chickens to consume. Here
are some that you should avoid
Salt — A little salt won’t hurt them
but avoid feeding them too much.
Processed foods — It’s healthier for
your chickens to eat leftovers from
a home-cooked meal than leftover
pizza or scraps from a frozen
microwave meal.
Raw potato peels — Potatoes are
members of the Nightshade family (Solanaceae).
Potato peels, especially when they
turn green from exposure to the
sunlight, contain the alkaloid
solanine, which is toxic. Sweet
potatoes and sweet potato skins
belong to a different plant family
and do not contain solanine. They
are safe to feed to your chickens.
Avocado skins and pits — These
contain persin, a fungicidal toxin,
that can be fatal to chickens.
Spoiled or rotten foods — Foods can
produce toxins when they spoil.
Soft drinks
Coffee or coffee grinds
Chocolate — Chocolate contains
theobromine which may be toxic to
Very greasy foods — These can be
difficult for your chickens to
Raw meat — Feeding chickens raw meat
can lead to cannibalism.
A few foods you will
probably want to stay away from,
only because they could cause an
undesirable taste to the eggs your
hens lay are: garlic, onions, and
other strong-tasting foods. |