Archives July 2020 July 31, 2020 - "Blossom End Rot on Tomatoes. Prevent, Treat and Reverse" Blossom end rot in tomatoes is one of the most common tomato problems gardeners face. But the good news is that it’s very easy to prevent, treat and even reverse the problem in your tomato plants. Read more July 31, 2020 - "8 Crops You Can Plant in August For Fall and Winter Harvest" Crops to Plant In August - Planning is the most important aspect when it comes to gardening and to maintain your yard. As the winter is here do you know what to plant and what not to in this season? Read more July 31, 2020 - "Homemade Squirrel Repellent Recipe" if you have plenty of squirrels running around your garden, here is a recipe to help rid your garden of these animals. Read more July 30, 2020 - "5 Reasons Why You Should Be Investing in Silver Even If Nothing Goes Wrong" Silver and other precious metals are a pretty controversial topic with preppers. I usually see at least one discussion/argument every day about whether or not it’s a good idea to add silver into your preps. Read more July 30, 2020 - "How to Set Up Your First Beehive" Imagine you’re sitting at a four-way intersection, a red stop light hanging above you, while the hum of buzzing comes from a pair of rectangular wooden boxes strapped into the passenger’s seat next to you. The Nuc boxes–or nucleus colonies–contain more than 10,000 bees each. Bees cling to, and crawl across the wire mesh stapled over the openings that prevents the insects from flying in and out of the boxes. You can tell by the sound of their buzzing that they are agitated, frustrated that they are contained, unable to come and go as they please. Read more July 29, 2020 - "A First Aid Kit Should Include" Whether you plan to buy a ready-made First Aid Kit or put one together yourself, it’s a good idea to cross-reference the items contained within (or those which you plan to procure) with other recommended lists of the First Aid items that should be included. Here is an extensive list of first aid supplies. Read here July 28, 2020 - "Homemade Toothpaste" Did you know you can make your own toothpaste? You can. And it can be just as effective as anything you’ll get at the store. Read more July 28, 2020 - "D.I.Y Mom’s Super Laundry Sauce" So, for a while now, I had been seeing these posts all over Facebook for this “Mom’s Super Laundry Sauce” Recipe from Liss Burnell at Budget101.com. After reading a lot of the reviews about how amazing this stuff is, I thought I would make some to try out for myself using the “No-Cook” version of the recipe. I documented the process with pictures for future reference. Read more July 27, 2020 - "Gardening Books" I have uploaded over 1700 books on Gardening from personal digital collection. Feel free to download as many as you desire. I will leave them online for one week only. They will be removed Sunday night. To see and download them Click here July 27, 2020 - "15 Creative Uses for Coffee Grounds" I have a fascination… with finding ways to save common everyday “cast-offs” from ending up in the trash. So far, I’ve compiled some big ol’ lists of ways to put your eggshells, leftover whey, and sour raw milk to good use, and I’ve been thinking about coffee grounds for a while now… Read more July 24, 2020 - "Are you up to it?" Here is a video on making snake soup, are you up to it when the SHTF?
July 23, 2020 - "10 ways how to start a fire without a lighter" Knowing how to start a fire is one of the most critical elements to surviving an emergency or wilderness survival situation. Hopefully you’re carrying some kind of fire-starting gear in your EDC or your go bag but if not, there are many ways to start a fire. Just FYI, I still think this is the best fire starter overall, and it’s always the first thing I grab. Read more July 23, 2020 - "Survival Hint" “Survival Tip” Easy way to reach the roots of a Container plant, poke holes in a water bottle or soda bottle, bury between a couple seedlings and water as needed. July 23, 2020 - "How to make your own Charcoal? This autumn, when I was backpacking across Rockies, I was surprised to see that increasingly more people stick to their traditional way of producing goods. Somewhere near the end of my journey, in Montana, near the Glacial National Park, there is a small city called Kalispell. Here, looking for a place to fix a flat tire we ran into a guy called Peter White, locally famous for being one of the best craftsmen in the area. At his workshop we found a very large backyard and lots of tools, tires and debris. For sure we were not his first costumers and fixing flat tires was not the only thing he was good at. Read More July 22, 2020 - "Survival Hint" The Hyacinth bean, similar to Scarlet Runner beans, are toxic when dried. But then, so are kidney beans. Kidney beans have to be soaked several hours and cooked for several hours. The Hyacinth bean is just grown as an annual flower. July 22, 2020 - "Home Made Flour Tortilla Recipe Never Buy Them from The Supermarket Again!" Have you ever really thought about those shells that you buy at the grocery? How long have they actually been sitting there, and why do they have an expiration date two months from now? Scary isn’t it? Read here July 22, 2020 - "Snake Hint" Here is a hint to keep in mind concerning snakes in the water. It isn't fool-proof but does indicate some venomous varieties. Hogshead has also been known to do this and they are harmless.
July 22, 2020 - " How to Can Flour for SHTF." Have you ever considered canning flour? My wife and I have done this for years, and it makes for good sense. Read more July 22, 2020 - "Survival Hint" Many foods come packaged in Mylar bags. If they are carefully cut open they can be reused to package other foods for food storage. July 21, 2020 - "Multipurpose Items Uses of Salt for Survival" In any SHTF situation, it is important to know how to maximize the resources at your disposal. With a little knowledge and creativity, you can greatly expand the number of uses a particular item has. Take salt, for example. Everyone who wants to be prepared when SHTF should have an abundant supply of salt in their homes since it has so many practical uses that would greatly benefit such a scenario. That also makes salt a perfect bartering item. Read more July 21, 2020 - "How and Why to Start Your Hydroponic Garden" Today I am thrilled to have Chris Wimmer of Healthy Smart Living guest posting for me today! Chris is a urban homesteader who uses hydroponics to make the best use out of his small spaces. I think you’ll enjoy learning from his post as much as I have! Read more July 21, 2020 - "How to Buy, Store and Prepare Potatoes" No doubt about it...the beloved potato is clearly the most popular vegetable in the United States. Potatoes easily adapt to many flavors and methods of cooking. This article defines the characteristics and the best uses of some well-known potato varieties, how to choose and store potatoes and several basic ways to prepare potatoes without any or a minimum of added ingredients. Read more July 20, 2020 - "Every Prepper Needs a Cash Reserve." We prep because stuff happens. Little stuff, big stuff and everything in between. And while the focus of our preparations is often a major disaster or collapse of some type, the reality is that our preps come in handy for all types of other scenarios as well. Read more July 20, 2020 - "Survival Gardening Tip: Keep It Simple." There’s an endless search on for the easiest way to garden. The fool-proof method. The no-work approach. The incredibly productive strategy. Read more July 13, 2020 - "For the Overwhelmed Prepping Newbie" When the husband and I decided that we wanted to be more self-sufficient, we were extremely excited. Who wouldn’t be? We had visions of incredible harvests, a huge pantry filled with colorful jars of the garden bounty, firewood stacked, freezers full, and us in our cozy little cabin sitting back and enjoying it. We agreed that before all of that though, we needed to have at least 3 months’ worth of supplies stocked up to get us through unforeseen hard times. The task fell to me to figure out what to stock, how much to stock, and how to store it. Read More July 13, 2020 - "Preparedness Worksheet from article above. Click here July 12, 2020 - "BOB for Kids" As I am sitting here watching MORE snow fall, my phone rings. It’s a dear friend of mine asking for help. Their water pipes have frozen and they have to leave their house for the next few days. They will have no water until the water department can get the problem resolved. My friend and her husband live with their daughter and 2 grandchildren and now can’t live in their house. This makes me wonder how well the kids will do; being displaced from their home for a while. What if something like this happened to me, how would my children fair? What if this what something even MORE serious than frozen pipes such as a fire or evacuation due to a major crisis? Read more July 12, 2020 - "How much should your backpack weigh?" If you are dealing with the military, the question of how much should your backpack weigh, has been answered by years of experience. But remember they are dealing primarily with young healthy males. In the Army and Marines training often consists of hiking at a fast pace over rough terrain with a backpack weighting at least 45 lbs. In addition, they will also carry a weapon, wear boots, BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) , LBE (Load Bearing Equipment, ammunition, canteens of water, and a helmet. Depending on your job, your total load for combat can be 95 pounds or more. Read here July 12, 2020 - "Urban Camouflage: Why You Should Blend in to Walk Home After a Disaster." You’re driving home from work, something “big” just happened and you’re completely stuck in gridlock on the highway. You heard the news – it’s really bad and folks are panicked. But you’re prepared for this scenario. You abandon your car, grab your Get-Your-Ass-Home backpack out of your trunk and start walking. How do you blend in with all the unprepared people, so you don’t become a target for muggers? Here are some ‘fashion’ tips to get you home safe. Read more July 12, 2020 - "How to make homemade tear gas." Police use tear gas to maintain control of crowds or cause them to disperse. For citizen survival scenarios, you can use tear gas to ward off enemies, disengage dangerous animals, or to make a location temporarily inhabitable by people. Read more July 11, 2020 - "DIY Deodorant That Really Works" I’ve always known that store-bought deodorants have some pretty nasty ingredients in them (they’ve even been linked to cancer) but I hesitated on making my own because I feared homemade deodorants wouldn’t really do the job. Read here July 11, 2020 - "Conceal Your Location Use a Cutout Phone." From time to time operational security (OPSEC) may dictate that you conceal your physical location from someone with whom you speak on the telephone. For example, you may remain in contact with a member of a mutual assistance group (MAG), but not want someone to be able to use that person's phone ords to trace your whereabouts. One way to do this is to employ a "cutout phone." Read more PASS THE WORD - ALL ARE WELCOME HERE July 11, 2020 - "I’m bored, 30 Ways to Keep Kids Entertained When the Power Goes Out" Let the wind blow, let the snow fall, let the power go out. You’ve got it under control. You have your water, your off-grid heating method and enough fuel to see you through until spring, your food that can easily be prepared without electricity, your candles and fully charged solar lanterns. You are set to weather this storm for however long it wants to assault your area. Read more July 10, 2020 - "Survival Tips - Create Fire with a Mobile Phone." This video is an easy to follow guide on how to start a fire with a mobile phone battery (without breaking it).
July 10, 2020 - "Rootin’ out the Raiders: Rural Homestead Security." I have some experience with losing items to theft at the family’s retreat, it led me to this! In this article, you will find some basic, but important points to consider when thinking about your homestead security. Read more July 10, 2020 - "My personal go bag contents." There are a lot of different things you can put on your bug out bag list and there’s not really one list of contents that you should follow. Each item in your kit will depend on your skill set and what you’re trying to prepare for. It’ll also change depending on your region, the season and how likely it is that you’ll have other gear available to you while you’re out. Read more July 9, 2020 - "9 Disaster Preparedness Lessons I Learned While Living in Hawaii" When you think about Hawaii, do you think about preparedness and survival? Tropical drinks and sandy beaches, sure, but Volcano stoves and survival blankets – probably not. But Hawaii is a place you must be prepared in. Hurricanes, while they don’t happen often, are often devastating when they do. And much of Hawaii is far-flung, so you have to be ready to be on your own for quite some time before help arrives. Read more July 9, 2020 - "How To Remove Ear Wax" Some of our readers have asked me in the past about how to deal with ear wax, but I haven’t put up a post about it until now (could I not have been listening, or do I have too much ear wax myself?). Read more July 9, 2020 - "10 Reasons a Civilian Should Consider Buying Body Armor." Have you ever considered purchasing a bulletproof vest or body armor? Do you think that something like this is only reserved for our military forces or police? If you think that, you may be saying to yourself, why would I ever need body armor? Maybe you have considered purchasing this for your family, but you wondered where it falls on the list of items you have considered purchasing for your safety. Read more July 9, 2020 - "The 6 Most Common Gardening Mistakes New Gardeners Make." There is nothing more exhilarating than that excitement that a new gardener displays. Take a few moments and think back to when you first decided to have your very own garden. There was nothing that was going to get in your way to having your very own bountiful supply of every vegetable that you could imagine, and you did it all yourself. Read more July 8, 2020 - "Elect Marc" My son Marc is running for a senate seat in Vermont. If you are visiting from that state please support him with your vote. Thank you.
July 8, 2020 - "Prepper's Underground Guide to Improvised Weapons" Here is another useful book to have around if and when the SHTF. Knowledge is a wonderful thing. Read more July 8, 2020 - "FM 5-250 U.S. Army explosives and demolitions handbook" We would always hope that we will never have to use explosives of any sort, however in today's turbulent world one never knows. You may as well brush up on the fundaments of explosive by reading the Army's manual the subject. Read more July 8, 2020 - "6 Traps to Place on Your Property Against Looting Rioters" Protests against the murder of George Floyd have led to protests around the country. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this happen, but it is probably the most widespread and has lasted the longest than ever before. The Black Lives Matter seems to have gained legs and is receiving lots of support from a wide range of places, including many who didn’t support them before. Read more July 7, 2020 - I Voted in person today.
July 7, 2020 - "Who Couldn't Use a Faraday Cage? Plus, How to Make One" A Faraday cage, also known as a Faraday shield, Radio Frequency Cage, or EMF (Electromotive Force) Cage, is simply an enclosure built to protect electronic devices from electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic discharges. It can be anything from a small box to a large room, covered with conductive metal or wire mesh, which prevents surges from damaging the equipment inside. Read more July 7, 2020 - "Center Mass in a Three-Dimensional World." What is Center Mass? The generally accepted definition is “center of the chest” This is usually denoted on a target by an X score ring or similar point of aim to aid in training. Unfortunately, this is wrong insofar as reality is concerned (and we should always be concerned with reality). Center Mass is the center of the target offered or selected. It is a point of aim selected by the shooter based on preference or circumstance that provides the best margin of error for quality service under stress. Read more July 7, 2020 - "100 percent Wool Army Blanket = Awesome Hunting Shirt." Years ago, I saw Dave Canterbury make a hunting shirt from a wool blanket. Naturally, I had to make one myself. I ordered two 100% wool army blankets from Cheaper than Dirt for around 20 bucks each. Good luck finding them at that price now. Read more July 6, 2020 - "What is the Best Kind of Milk for Food Storage?" I don’t think the average person realizes how much they utilize milk and dairy products. If you don’t own a milk cow or goat, in an emergency/crisis event, you might quickly wish you had access to some sort of milk. Luckily, there are options for our food storage! Read more July 6, 2020 - "How to Prune Tomato Plants and Why It’s the Secret to a Great Crop." Believe it or not, one of the most important chores you can perform to ensure success for your tomato plants is to prune them! It not only makes a huge difference in a tomato plant’s overall health, but also spurs on a more productive crop. Read more July 5, 2020 - "Why DIY Isn’t Always About Saving Time and Money." Everyone says, learn to Do-It-Yourself. It will save you time, it will save you money, it’s better for your health. Or does it? Read more July 5, 2020 - "5 Reasons to Keep Chickens and 4 Reasons Not To." We love our girls, we really do! If you are considering adding some chickens to your backyard homestead, here are my top 5 reasons to do so. Of course, with 5 reasons to keep chickens, we have to add “and 4 reasons NOT to”. Read more
July 5, 2020 -
"Webinar—Hurricane Readiness for
Emergency Managers" Please join FEMA
Region II for a webinar on hurricane
readiness and preparedness for
emergency managers. This session
will provide a brief overview of
hurricane hazards, forecast
products, and resources for
hurricane planning and response.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020, from 2:00
p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET. To register,
Click Here. July 5, 2020 - "Extreme Heat and Summer Safety." As communities continue their phased re-openings in light of COVID-19, please continue to follow the safe guidelines to prevent the spread, and don't forget to prepare for extreme heat that summer can bring. Read More HAPPY 4TH OF JULY July 4, 2020 - "How to Make Your Own Miracle Gro." We all are familiar with this plant growth product, however the cost of it has been drastically increasing. He is a copy-cat product that just might do the trick, and it is made with safe ingredients. Read More July 3, 2020 - "9 Crops You Can Plant in August for a Fall Harvest." The year is moving ahead very quickly, and fall is right around the corner. This does not mean that you have to give up on your garden. Here are some crops that you can prepare to plant next month for your Fall Harvest. Read more Please tell me what articles you want to see on the website.
July 1, 2020 -
"12 Proven Remedies That Will Save
You The Cost of a Doctors Visit."
Modern studies into ‘old wives
tales’ are turning up surprising
evidence that many of these
nostalgic old remedies actually
work. Here is a PDF describing a few
of them.
Read more
At the request of a reader, I have started making the information on this website available in PDF format so it can be easily stored. See You Tomorrow Disclaimer: All information which I freely place on my website is strictly for informational or educational purposes only. Therefore should you decide to read or to attempt any of the survival ideas listed here you do so strictly at your own risk. Under no circumstances will the owner of Delmarva Survival Training Site be held liable or responsible for any related deaths, injuries, mishaps, damages or illnesses to anyone or their property as a result of utilizing this information provided here. Again you have been properly warned. Delmarva Survival Training Website in Seaford Delaware - We must learn to take care of ourselves