DelMarVa Survival Trainings
Daily Features |
October 23, 2007
Volunteer radar gunslingers nail
By Joanne Bratton
Speeders beware. Your neighbors
might have you on their radar.
That's the message police
departments across the country are
trying to send by loaning residents
radar guns and turning them into
neighborhood speed watchers.
Volunteers can't ticket the drivers
they catch breaking the speed limit,
but their reports can result in
warning letters being sent by
police, depending on how fast the
drivers were going.
Police say the program is worth it
if it can make even a few motorists
obey speed limits. "It's one more
element of enforcing speed," says
Lt. Daniel Furseth of the DeForest
Police Department in Wisconsin.
For the past year, the village has
allowed residents to borrow a
battery-operated radar gun for a
week or two, sit on their front
lawns and record the speeds of
passing motorists.
Typically, a warning letter is sent
when speeds are 13 mph over the
limit, but it depends on the
residential area, Furseth says.
The police department has sent out a
couple dozen warning letters, he
says. "One parent called and was
glad we sent a letter," Furseth
says. "But it's not always the kids
(who are speeding) — it's the soccer
moms, too."
•Residents in Loveland, Ohio, are
invited to sign up in teams of two
or three to use the Stalker II, a
hand-held, battery-operated radar
•In the Chicago suburb of
Naperville, Ill., residents
affiliated with homeowners
associations use the radar guns.
"Some people seemed surprised. Some
took notice and slowed down," says
Bob Fischer, director of the
Naperville Area Homeowners
Confederation. "Others were angry
that we were interfering with their
inherent right to get to the train
station — or back home — as quickly
as possible."
•In Shawnee, Kan., a suburb of
Kansas City, police allow residents
to use radar guns on residential
streets that are posted 25 mph or
less, police Sgt. Doug Orbin says.
The volunteer must stay in his or
her vehicle while using the radar
gun, he says.
•This week, the police department in
The Dalles, Ore., started taking
names of interested citizens who
want to be neighborhood speed
NOTE: Being in Electronics for many
years my first question on this
issue is "Does the person using the
Radar Gun have a license issued from
the FCC to use such an instrument?"
My second question is are these
people properly trained law
enforcement personal? I think we
would find the answer to both
questions as "No". This sound like
an issue to be solved in the Supreme