DelMarVa Survival Trainings
Daily Features |
October 24, 2007
Hand on Heart for National Anthem
By Mark Finkelstein
Obama has no hand on heart????During
rendition of the national anthem
when the flag is displayed, all
present except those in uniform
should stand at attention facing the
flag with the right hand over the
heart. Men not in uniform should
remove their headdress with their
right hand and hold it at the left
shoulder, the hand being over the
heart. -- United States Code, Title
36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171

Turns out that not wearing a flag
lapel pin isn't the only way Barack
Obama chooses to show he's a
different kind of Democrat.
Have a look at the photo from the
October 1, 2007 edition of "Time."
It shows Obama, Hillary and Bill
Richardson at the Steak Fry of Sen.
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) on September 17
in Indianola, IA during [according
to the photo caption] the National
Anthem. Richardson and Clinton have
their hands on their heart. But not
Obama. Does he perhaps believe that,
like wearing the flag pin, the hand
on the heart isn't "true
"Time" ran the photo without
comment. I haven't seen coverage of
this anywhere else in the MSM.
Perhaps some enterprising reporter
can ask the Illinois senator about
his decision to spurn this American
Meanwhile, does Obama have some
third act or omission planned to
demonstrate that he's not falling
for those corny, old-fashioned
displays of patriotism?
H/t reader J.S.
NOTE: The original version of this
item, based on a reader submission,
stated that the photo was apparently
taken during the Pledge of
Allegiance. I've now located the
original "Time" image, whose caption
states that it was taken during the
National Anthem.
—Mark Finkelstein is a NewsBusters
contributing editor and host of
Right Angle. Contact him at mark@gunhill.net.
If you can read this, thank a
teacher. If it is in English, thank
a Soldier. - My barber