DelMarVa Survival Trainings
Daily Features |
October 20, 2007
Illegals OK'd to drive in N.Y.
By Joseph Curl
Eliot Spitzer's order to grant
driver's licenses to illegal aliens
in New York has enraged voters and
Republican officials .
New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer has
started a major political fight over
immigration by ordering state
officials to issue driver's licenses
to illegal aliens, prompting at
least one county legislature to defy
the executive order and pushing
toward a showdown in court.
The embattled governor's order has
drawn some acerbic commentary,
including a cartoon showing Osama
bin Laden as a New York City taxi
driver. After spending months trying
to deflect charges that he used
state police to target the
Republican leader of the state
Senate, Mr. Spitzer appears eager
for a fight over this contentious
"The rabid right that wants to pile
on and use this to demagogue the
issue will not carry the day in New
York state," he said recently.
"Those who view this as a political
issue once again are taking the
state in the wrong direction."
The driver's license issue has once
again put the governor at odds with
New Yorkers. When New York City
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who in
June abandoned the Republican Party,
criticized the order recently, the
Democratic governor shot back that
the mayor was "dead wrong, factually
wrong, legally wrong, morally wrong,
ethically wrong."
Former New York City Mayor Rudolph
W. Giuliani joined the list of
opponents this week. "Governor
Spitzer should not give licenses to
illegals," he told the Republican
Jewish Coalition on Tuesday. "It
doesn't make sense."
The issue heated up late last week,
when the Monroe County legislature
defied the governor and ordered its
county clerk to require anyone
seeking a driver's license to
provide a valid Social Security
number. The decision runs counter to
Mr. Spitzer's order, in which
illegal aliens with valid foreign
passports would be eligible to
obtain a state driver's license.
Again, Mr. Spitzer was defiant: "I
hate to say it — the clerks have to
enforce it," he said. "The clerks
who issue driver's licenses are
agents of the state. They do not
make state law on this. State
government does."
In another move, 29 clerks, all but
one a Republican, voted to oppose
the plan, with 13 vowing to directly
disobey the governor, even if
ordered to comply. The clerks said
their offices would be hard-pressed
to determine the legality of
The issue has prompted high-powered
dissent, including on Capitol Hill.
Rep. Thomas M. Reynolds, New York
Republican, has denounced the order
as "bad policy exacerbating our
broken immigration system."
"Those who have come to the United
States illegally should not be
rewarded with a New York state
driver's license," he said.
John F. Lehman, a former Navy
secretary who served on the
September 11 commission, called the
governor's decree "absurd."
"It's a perfect formula for al
Qaeda. They won't be able to resist
it. They will be able to come to New
York," he said. "It's going to
become a magnet to lawbreakers
because the surrounding states will
adhere to the federal standards."
Critics say the credibility of a New
York driver's license could be
called into question in other
states, because applicants would not
be required to prove that they have
a Social Security number.
The issue began in July 2006, when
an appeals court ruled that the
state could have wider latitude in
issuing driver's licenses.
Republican Gov. George E. Pataki
decreed that immigrants would need
to prove they were in the United
States legally before getting
licenses. During the gubernatorial
campaign, Mr. Spitzer vowed to
change that. With the Republican-led
Senate adamantly opposed to any
change, the governor bypassed the
Legislature by issuing an executive
The plan is supposed to go into
effect in December, but the Senate's
Republican majority has pledged to
override Mr. Spitzer's order in an
emergency session Oct. 22.
The public is opposed to Mr.
Spitzer's plan as well, a recent
poll shows.
A Zogby survey of 718 likely voters
in New York found that 65 percent of
the state's voters are against the
proposal. The poll, taken Oct.
11-15, showed that nearly half — 47
percent — of Democrats oppose the
plan, compared with 92 percent of