DelMarVa Survival Trainings
Daily Features |
October 14, 2007
Blackwater Is Soaked
An arrogant attitude only adds fuel
to the criticism.
Gervasio Sanchez / AP

Above: Tough-Guy Reputation:
Blackwater security contractors
taking part in a fire fight in Najaf
By Rod Nordland and Mark Hosenball
Oct. 15, 2007 issue - The colonel
was furious. "Can you believe it?
They actually drew their weapons on
U.S. soldiers." He was describing a
2006 car accident, in which an SUV
full of Blackwater operatives had
crashed into a U.S. Army Humvee on a
street in Baghdad's Green Zone. The
colonel, who was involved in a
follow-up investigation and spoke on
the condition he not be named, said
the Blackwater guards disarmed the
U.S. Army soldiers and made them lie
on the ground at gunpoint until they
could disentangle the SUV. His
account was confirmed by the head of
another private security company.
Asked to address this and other
allegations in this story,
Blackwater spokesperson Anne Tyrrell
said, "This type of gossip has led
to many soap operas in the press."
Whatever else Blackwater is or isn't
guilty of—a topic of intense
interest in Washington—it has a
well-earned reputation in Iraq for
arrogance and high-handedness.
Iraqis naturally have the most
serious complaints; dozens have been
killed by Blackwater operatives
since the beginning of the war. But
many American civilian and military
officials in Iraq also have little
sympathy for the private security
company and its highly paid
employees. With an uproar growing in
Congress over Blackwater's alleged
excesses, the North Carolina-based
company is finding few supporters.
Responsible for guarding top U.S.
officials in Iraq, Blackwater
operatives are often accused of
playing by their own rules. Unlike
nearly everyone else who enters the
Green Zone, said an American soldier
who guards a gate, Blackwater gunmen
refuse to stop and clear their
weapons of live ammunition once
inside. One military contractor, who
spoke anonymously for fear of
retribution in his industry,
recounted the story of a Blackwater
operative who answered a Marine
officer's order to put his pistol on
safety when entering a base post
office by saying, "This is my
safety," and wiggling his trigger
finger in the air. "Their attitude
was, 'We're f---ing security; we
don't have to answer to anybody'."
Congress disagrees. Until now,
private security contractors working
for the State Department, as
Blackwater does, have effectively
not been covered by either U.S. or
Iraqi law, or military regulations.
A bill that overwhelmingly passed
the House last week would close that
loophole. But the law would also
require the FBI to establish a
large-scale presence in Iraq in
order to investigate accusations
against private contractors.
Law-enforcement officials worry that
this would draw valuable resources
away from FBI efforts to combat
terrorism in the United States.
Also, whenever FBI agents venture
into Iraq now they are guarded by
... Blackwater operatives. The
bureau has sent a team to Baghdad to
investigate the Sept. 16 shooting in
Nasoor Square, in which Blackwater
guards are accused of killing as
many as 17 Iraqi civilians. In order
to avoid "even the appearance of any
conflict [of interest]," according
to an FBI spokesman, the agents will
be defended by U.S. government
It is not an idle concern.
Blackwater's staunchest defenders
tend to be found among those whom
they guard. U.S. officials prefer
Blackwater and other private
security bodyguards because they
regard them as more highly trained
than military guards, who are often
reservists from MP units. A U.S.
Embassy staffer, who did not have
permission to speak on the record,
said, "It's a few bad eggs that seem
to be spoiling the bunch." Late last
week the State Department announced
that it would increase oversight of
Blackwater in particular, installing
cameras in its vehicles and having a
Diplomatic Security Service officer
ride along on every convoy. But
another State Department official,
also speaking anonymously, says that
DSS agents in Baghdad have not been
eager to rein in the contractors in
the past: "These guys tend to close
ranks. It's like the blue wall."
Testifying before Congress last
week, 38-year-old Blackwater chief
Erik Prince vigorously defended his
company's "dedicated security
professionals" who "risk their lives
to protect Americans in harm's way
overseas." Prince probably had no
reason to be as smug as he seemed to
many observers. In deflecting
questions about a drunken Blackwater
operative who allegedly shot and
killed a bodyguard for Iraqi Vice
President Adel Abdul Mahdi in the
Green Zone on Christmas Eve last
year, Prince said that the employee,
later identified as Andrew Moonen,
had been fined and fired. But on
Friday House Oversight Committee
chairman Rep. Henry Waxman released
a letter to Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice recounting evidence
that Moonen was able to return to
Iraq and worked there for another
company. Moonen's attorney, Stewart
Riley, told NEWSWEEK his client
denies wrongdoing and is not facing
criminal charges. Blackwater is no
doubt in for further fire fights.
With Larry Kaplow in Baghdad and
Michael Hastings in Washington