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DelMarVa Survival Trainings Daily Features

April 2020

It's Coming

Joseph Parish

Let’s chat a moment about security for your resources in the event of an infrastructure break-down. The clues leading to such a breakdown are written on the wall. There are many reasons why a breakdown can occur. We are quickly falling behind the other nation’s in our preparedness levels, and we could be literally left in the dark at any time. I once took an emergency preparedness class in water supply security and it isn’t encouraging. We are very vulnerable with our both our food and water supplies. A crafty nation could sabotage both with little difficulty.

Had you ever stopped to consider that there are presidential orders in place which would allow the government to enter your home and take all your emergency supplies and your food leaving you with nothing. This is a legal act and it’s enforceable. Well, as a hint, we may be quickly approaching such an event in our near future.

Suppose we begin to experience civil unrest as a result of this virus or even from the lack of normal human necessities. The military can and would likely be called up to contain the riots and the resulting chaos. Stop and think for a moment as to how the military will accomplish this? That’s right, they will do so with martial law. Once martial law is declared, all food and supplies will be confiscated for the general welfare of the citizens. Now in the event that we only experience riots and civil disorder, you are still in a precarious position, as you are likely to be the target of these actions, especially if word gets out that you are prepared and have food.

Here you have worked hard all these years accumulating a good stockpile of food in the event of an emergency. It sort of reminds me of the ant and the grasshopper. You, the ant has built your food supply up and the intentions of them, the grasshoppers want to take it. No, merely storing up is not the final answer. You will need to devise ways that you can ultimately protect what you have. Don’t believe for one minute that weapons will do the trick, as they will not.

If you wish to remain safe and secure you will have to do certain things, the first being black out your life. Once we lose the infrastructure and our electricity goes down-hill all neighborhoods will be black. There will be no lights on the grid at all. You will not want to be the family on the street with what may appear as electricity. You can sit in the dark every evening, or you can take other measure to protect what you have. We use black out curtains in our home. In an event as just described, we would close and secure our black out curtains so that if we are using any sort of light, no one will be the wiser. Remember the old saying that, if a house has lights, they just might have food as well.

You may also want to keep a low profile before the SHTF. You do not need to inform your neighbors that you have emergency food stored up. If you let it leak out, you will likely have neighbors pounding on your door, begging you for food., even worse you might encounter looters hell-0bent upon taking what they want. If you cannot afford the blackout curtains than keep several industrial weight trash bags readily available along with a good supply of duct tape. Put the bags up to your windows and tape them in place. If you need to use your flashlight make certain that there is a red or even a green lens cover on it. In the military, we had red covers and they did a commendable job. It is very difficult to see them from a far distance.

When the SHTF people start to look grubby. They lack water to properly clean themselves and wash their clothing. Try to stay inside even during the daylight hours. If you must venture outdoors then have a set of dirty clothing that you can wear and above all don’t splash cologne or aftershave on yourself. In fact you may not swish to shave at all. You want to look as much like the other people as you can, so you can blend in with them rather than standing out in a crowd.

As soon as the SHTF, the protesters will be on the street with their crudely painted signs and loud bullhorns demanding that the government provide them with the necessities of life, which they failed to stock up on themselves. At the same time, you will witness an increase in marauders preying upon the weak. Their goals are to loot, create fires, and assault the average citizen. Think about Baltimore a few years back.

Give serious thought to what you will do. You may be planning to shelter in place, but if you lived in a place like Baltimore you may find that a bit worrisome. Your home might not be the safest place for you and your family. There is an assortment of dangers which will approach you such as possible military intervention, the rioting people, or in some cases your own neighbors.  Look at America today as we are experiencing the virus. People are complaining because some may have toilet paper while other lack it. Some might have masks while others cannot find any to buy. Look at the resent food binge buying that has taken place. It could get worse and we may see it get to that point.

In another post, I made in the past, I outlined a get-out-of-town plan that might save your life. If the need takes shape that you will have to bug out, don’t jump into your camo-van and head to high ground. Try to keep a low profile and stay under the radar.






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